Monday, December 30, 2019
Difficult Situation - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 306 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2018/12/29 Category Politics Essay Type Argumentative essay Level High school Topics: Barack Obama Essay Osama bin Laden Essay United States Essay Did you like this example? The toughest decision that someone is faced with is always the smartest that can be made. Most leaders know it is the decision that they have to make but it is the hardest to make. Leaders get it hard to make a certain decision because they feel that they need to please their followers. They want to limit frustrations amongst their followers and also to be appreciated for their leadership. Making tough calls by leaders may jeopardize several things. This paper focuses on the toughest decision that U.S president Obama had to make to kill Osama bin Laden. Barack Obama had a toughest decision to make when he sent in Special Forces to kill Osama bin Laden. His decision could come with severe consequences in case it failed. When the CIA thought that they had allocated Osama, he took the risk of sending in Special Forces even though no one was sure about that and he could not sneak in a spy into his compound in Abbottabad because it could be much riskier. The consequences of his decision could be a one-term president just as he had been promised by Mitch McConnell in case his decision failed. Suppose the forces couldnt have killed Osama, then the downside of his call could have been horrible for him. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Difficult Situation" essay for you Create order Obama took a harder and a more honorable decision to make. But it had the best result. Obamas decision had a massive consequence which could see him miss his next seat as president. In case the mission failed, Obama could have had a tough time in office. In my opinion, Obamas decision was the most brilliant call that he could make at that time. I would also make the same decision to risk in killing an individual than risking the outcome which could see several Americans killed by Osama.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
The Rate Of Divorce Has Changed - 1451 Words
1. Families have changed mostly in durability and types of marriages as well as some equality changes. The amount of successful marriages has decline since 1960, the rate of divorce has gone up even though it has declined some since 1975. (Macionis, 2013, pg.351) More types of marriages are allowed now in most places, such as interracial marriages and same sex marriages. Economic standings has caused it to be necessary in most families for both parties to work to support their families, which leads for a less structured home life for children in a lot of cases. There are also alternative types of families such as one-parent families or cohabitation families. Though most people get married many do not stay married in 1950 one house in ten had a single person, now 28% of them have a single person. (Macionis, 2013, pg. 354) Also where as men seemed to be primarily dominant and had little to do with child rearing in the past things now with both parents working seem to be more equal in more of the households. In addition, there are an increasing number of men who choose to be a stay at home dad while mom works. I do not know if I would go so far to say I think traditional families should stay the same, I do not think it would work anymore and I am not sure I would want it to. I do think it would be better for people to take marriages more seriously. I don’t agree with making vows in front of our family, friends and for some of us God and then when things get a little hardShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Divorce Over The Years903 Words  | 4 PagesDefinitional Argument Essay According to the CDC and the Census Bureau, a lot more of marriages have been ending in divorce over the years. Why have the rates for divorce changed so much throughout the years? 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Organisational Development Strategy Free Essays
Introduction Change is a constant thing and this transpires within world in many ways. As the world becomes more complicated and increasingly intertwined, changes ostensibly far away affect us. Thus, change may sometimes appear to occur frequently and arbitrarily. We will write a custom essay sample on Organisational Development Strategy or any similar topic only for you Order Now We are gradually becoming cognizant of how connected we are to one another and to our world. Organizations must withal be cognizant of their holistic nature and of the ways their members affect one another. The incredible amount of change has coerced individuals and organizations to visually perceive â€Å"the immensely colossal picture†and to be cognizant of how events affect them and vice versa. Organization development is a new term which means a conceptual, organization-wide effort to increment an organization’s efficacy and viability. Warren Bennis has referred to OD as a replication to transmute, an intricate educational strategy intended to transmute the notions, attitudes, values, and structure of an organization so that it can better habituate to new technologies, markets, challenges, and the dizzying rate of change itself. OD is neither â€Å"anything done to better an organization†nor is it â€Å"the training function of the organization†; it is a particular kind of change process designed to establish a particular kind of end result. OD can involve interventions in the organization’s â€Å"processes,†utilizing behavioural science knowledge organizational reflection, system amelioration, orchestrating and self-analysis. International Business Machines Corporation (IBM), incorporated on June 16, 1911, is an information technology (IT) company. IBM operates in five segments: Global Technology Services (GTS), Global Business Services (GBS), Software, Systems and Technology and Global Financing. GTS primarily provides IT infrastructure services and business process services. GBS provides professional services and application management services. Software consists primarily of middleware and operating systems software. Systems and Technology provides clients with business solutions requiring advanced computing power and storage capabilities. Global Financing invests in financing assets, leverages with debt and manages the associated risks. In May 2012, the Company acquired Varicent Software Incorporated. In May 2012, the Company acquired Vivisimo. In June 2012, the Company acquired Tealeaf Technology, Inc. On August 1, 2012, Toshiba Tec Corporation acquired the retail store solution business from IBM. In September 2012, it acquired Butterfly Software Ltd. In October 2012, it acquired Texas Memory Systems. In October 2012, the Company announced the opening of three new branch offices in ASEAN, which are located in the cities of Ipoh and Malacca in Malaysia and Bandung in Indonesia, and announced the opening of three new branches across Brazil. In December 2012, the Company acquired Kenexa. In February 2013, it completed the acquisition of StoredIQ. In April 2011, the Company acquired TRIRIGA, Inc. In October 2011, the Company acquired i2. In October 2011, the Company acquired Algorithmics. In October 2011, it acquired Q1 Labs Inc. In November 2011, the Company opened in Romania its European site for developing and testing IBM switch and networking hardware and software. In December 2011, the Company completed the acquisition of Curam Software Ltd. In January 9, 2012, the Company acquired Platform Computing. In January 11, 2012, the Company acquired Green Hat. In February 1, 2012, the Company acquired Emptoris Inc. In February 15, 2012, the Company acquired DemandTec Inc. In February 10, 2012, the Company completed the acquisition of Worklight. In March 2012, the Company opened a new branch office in Ludhiana, Punjab, India. (http://www. reuters. com/finance/stocks/companyProfile? symbol=IBM) In 1992-1993, IBM began to lose money and struggled to meet payroll for the over 300,000 employees because of the changing market landscape. Louis Gerstner, the recently appointed CEO, saved the company by changing IBM’s culture and business model. As we know now one of IBM’s core businesses is consulting, which had not been a key component of the legacy model. It seemed like IBM was facing a similar, if perhaps more dire, situation to Merrill Lynch in the mid 2000’s. (http://professorjickblog. com/post/4194417315/organizational-change-at-ibm) IBM helped pioneer information technology over the years and it stands today at the forefront of a worldwide industry that is revolutionizing the way in which enterprises, organizations and people operate and thrive. The pace of change in that industry, of course, is accelerating, and its scope and impact are widening. In these pages, you can trace that change from the earliest antecedents of IBM, to the most recent developments. You can scan the entire IBM continuum from the 19th century to the 21st or pinpoint  year-by year or decade-by-decade  the key events that have led to the IBM of today. (http://www-03. ibm. com/ibm/history/history/history_intro. html) IBM has been in the industry for a hundred years already but this paper will focus on the organizational changes and developments with the company for the past 20 years. Brief History In 1911 IBM was first incorporated in New York as the Computing-Tabulating-Recoding Company. The company’s history, however, can be traced back to 1890, when the United States was receiving waves of immigrants. To meet the needs of measuring population the US Census Bureau sponsored a contest to find the most efficient means of tabulating census data. The contest was won by German immigrant and Census Bureau statistician, Herman Hollerith. Hollerith formed the Punch Card Tabulating Machine Co. in 1896. In 1911 Hollerith’s company merged with Computing Scale Co. f America and International Time Recording Co. to form Computing-Tabulating-Recording Co. The company manufactured and sold products ranging from commercial scales and industrial time recorder to meat and cheese slicers, tabulators and punch cards. In the beginning the company operated in New York City only. Within a short period of time, however, it quickly expanded its office and plants to other parts of New Yo rk State, Washington, DC, Ohio, Michigan and Toronto, Canada. In 1914 Thomas J. Watson joined the company and became the president of the company within eleven months. Under his leadership the company continued to expand its products and services. At that time the company focused on producing large scales custom built tabulating solutions for businesses. Within ten years Watson had expanded the company’s business operations to Europe, South America, Asia and Australia and in 1924 the company was renamed International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) to reflect the firm’s worldwide expansion IBM refers to the decades between 1939 and 1963 as the ‘Era of Innovation’. During this period the company’s product line expanded ignificantly. In 1891 IBM introduced personal computers (PCs) for small businesses, schools and homes. For first time, IBM collaborated with Intel and Microsoft to produce personal computers. In 1985 IBM introduced local area networks (LAN), which permitted PC users to exchange information and share printers and files within a building or complex. IBM established a foundation for network computing and numerous applications of PCs. In 1993 Louis V. Gerstner, Jr, a former executive at American Express, Nabisco and McKinsey Co. joined IBM as CEO. Gerstner emphasized the need to provide integrated solutions for the company’s customers. He also decided to keep company, together instead of splitting it into separate independent companies. Today IBM’s strength lies in its combined expertise in solutions, services, products and technologies. http://historyofbusiness. blogspot. com/2009/04/brief-history-of-ibm. html How IBM does their Organizational Development IBM has launched one of its companies fixating on business strategies and development. So therefore, they will be one of the good companies that we can optically canvass and study how they remain successful over the years. IBM Global Business Services offers one of the largest strategy transmute practices in the world, their strategy transmute practice amalgamates business strategy with technology insight to help organizations develop, align and implement their business vision across four strategic dimensions – business strategy, operating strategy, organization change strategy and technology strategy – to drive innovation and magnification. This is withal one of the reasons why IBM is capable of transmuting quickly and successfully. Instead of going with the latest trends, they mold, develop and lead them. By combining the proven talent with the deep research, scale and scope of IBM, they have built a unique approach to industry solution development. This approach allows them to address the opportunities that matter most and deliver business outcomes with faster time-to-value. The IBM strategy and transformation practice helps expand the horizon possibilities while implementing with rigor. Its three areas of competence are aligned to drive opportunity and execute across the value chain. The insight provided by innovation and growth services allows setting an overall direction for the organization by developing sustainable business, customer and technology strategies. Their capabilities within the operations and finance area help optimize how the organization functions to drive higher performance. And finally, with organization and people expertise, they can develop and lead the talented individuals who create value and competitive advantage. With over 100 years of business and technology experience, IBM has demonstrated its ability to drive performance through continuous transformation of their business model, operations, technology and workforce. Their strategy and transformation practice draws upon these experiences as well as extensive IBM assets and best practices. With consultants in over 170 countries and deep expertise in 17 industries, IBM has proven the effectiveness and value of its approach. IBM thought leadership and research – acknowledged by analysts as among the best in the industry – are based on market-driven intelligence, in-depth interviews, and our own transformation story. IBM has a long track record of success in helping companies chart a course for business transformation. This commences with strategic orchestrating that can envision a broad range of future scenarios. Their consultants fixate on results, through the development of business models and executable strategies that foster innovation, sustainable magnification and profitability. They help companies and organizations build on key strategic drivers such as new product and accommodation offerings, dynamic market opportunities, new channels and greater customer insight to create greater competitiveness. Our team of strategists provides a clear roadmap for differentiation predicated on business model innovation, implemented through efficient processes and operations. Definitely by doing this, they have also implemented these strategies within their organization and have proven to have good results. (ftp://public. dhe. ibm. com/common/ssi/ecm/en/gbb03089usen/GBB03089USEN. PDF) The processes and strategies that they have developed and proved over the years are also the factors why their organization is very stable. According to their website, below are some of the services that they offer and most likely apply within their organization as well. IBM’s Organization and Workforce Transformation offering assists clients with two transformational imperatives: firstly, it enables them to transform their workforce into the productive, innovative and high-performance force necessary to survive and thrive; secondly it manages the people elements in any transformation being undertaken (process optimization, business model transformation, etc. Our services include: * Learning transformation: Addresses the need to inspire and equip people in business to improve performance, skills and knowledge for the following results: aligning learning initiatives with organizational and business goals, developing learning strategies, and harnessing the power of technology to enhance learning and performance. Talent management: Design strategies and solutions to align talent management with business priorities, c overing talent sourcing, performance, succession management and rewards and recognition. This solution includes process design, systems implementation, change management and talent analytics. * Social business: Drive innovation and growth by connecting people to people, people to data and information, and people to personal and institutional knowledge inside an organization and across the larger organizational ecosystem. Workforce analytics and optimization: This offering leverages analytics to design evidence-based strategies and practices for optimizing workforce performance and productivity to develop information strategies, and a workforce measurement framework, which can help identify key metrics and align with employee goals. Organization design: Organization design enables enterprises to align their organization with new or existing business models and strategies to maximize effectiveness by clarifying work responsibilities and redefining jobs and their relationships to one a nother (structure), governance mechanisms, and other organizational elements to drive new behavior supporting strategic change and business results. * Change management: Change management is a roactive and systematic approach to deal with change from the perspective of an organization, a group, or at the individual level. Change management helps ensure that people impacted by the changes (technology) understand, accept and commit to changes; thereby mitigating risks and achieving long term benefits faster. (http://www-935. ibm. com/services/us/gbs/strategy/talent-and-workforce-management. html) During the course of the changes that took place in their organization, there were challenges encountered. Based on the researches conducted, below are the most significant challenges that took place when implementing their change projects. 1. Changing mindsets and attitudes 2. Corporate culture 3. Complexity is underestimated 4. Shortage of resources 5. Lack of commitment of higher management 6. Lack of change know how 7. Lack of transparency because of missing or 8. wrong information 9. Lack of motivation of involved employees 10. Change of process 11. Change of IT systems 12. Technology barriers And based on the challenges mentioned above, they were able to come up with factors that contributed to the successful change. It is normal to have resistance to different types of change especially having a big organization like IBM. Below are some factors that contributed to the effectiveness of the different changes in their organization: 1. Top management sponsorship 2. Employee involvement 3. Honest and timely communication 4. Corporate culture that motivates and promotes change 5. Change agents (pioneers of change) 6. Change supported by culture . Efficient training programs 8. Adjustment of performance measures 9. Efficient organization structure 10. Monetary and non-monetary incentives ftp://public. dhe. ibm. com/common/ssi/ecm/en/gbe03100usen/GBE03100USEN. PDF The most fruitful success strategy is to begin with leadership tools, including a vision or story of the future, put the change in place with management tools, such as role definitions, measurement and control systems, and use the pure power tools of coercion and punishments as a last resort, when all else fails. The purpose of business strategy is to exploit the capabilities of the company to gain and sustain competitive advantage in accommodating the desiderata of customers in a chosen rialto. An effective business strategy will provide good answers to questions on business scope, customers’ needs, how the enterprise will exploit its advantages, and on how competitive advantage will be achieved. It will withal describe the main actions compulsory to implement the strategy and the reasons why the vicissitudes are compulsory. Summary All in all the reason for IBM Global Business Services’ success is because they have methods and strategies that have been tried and tested over the years that they have been in this industry. Also one of the factors for success is having open minded members of the organization who are always open and welcome to change. Somehow, the company also has its own ways to make the employees and members of the organization understand and help them to adapt through the course of these changes. Resistance to change is normal but with proper guidance and support from the whole management team, members of the organization will feel at ease and motivated, hence, will embrace the change. Today, businesses must bring more innovative products and accommodations to market, more quickly than ever before. IBM makes utilization of best practices to help companies become more rigorous in their approach to development and lifecycle issues – not only to ameliorate speed and cost, but withal to enable the perpetual amelioration of products How to cite Organisational Development Strategy, Essay examples
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Australian Corporate Acts Securities Law Case Study
Question: Describe about the Australian Corporate Acts for Securities Law Case Study. Answer: Case study Corporations and securities law case study NSX Limited vs. Pritchard FCA584 (22 May, 2009) NSX Ltd was requested by shareholders to call a general meeting to remove the existing directors and elect new directors. The shareholders commanded a 5% votes as required by the Corporations Act 2001. NSX informed the ASX of the directors intention. The directors must call a meeting within 21 days after a request. Members can only be allowed to conduct their meeting if this is not done as stipulated in section 249E. Surprisingly, on the 21st day, directors called a meeting and authorized a meeting to the ASX which in turn sent the notice of the meeting to the shareholders [1]. Instead the shareholders called their meeting and pursued their agenda of removing the directors. The federal court ruled in favor of the directors by specifying that the directors called a meeting before the elapsing of 21days time limit as stipulated in section 249E of the corporate law however there was no written notice. His honor out ruled the need of a receipt of notice though it is a necessity under sec tion 249D. This could be a significant consideration in evaluating whether the directors had complied with their duty to call a meeting on the deadline date after receiving shareholders request long enough. Could the directors have failed to call the meeting within the day limit of 21 days, shareholders would have won. ( Roles of Corporate Act Guides company formation process The Australian Corporate law serves as a legal entity created by legislation. The law therefore stipulates to private limited companies terms and conditions of their formation. For instance the law specifies ownership, profits, annual audits, and stake holders liabilities. Corporate governance Australian courts shape conducts and responsibilities of directors in private and public sector. Securities and Investment Commission keeps the executive team of the company under check through audit systems to enhance fairness and accountability on their administrative roles and assets management. Such a move helps companies to be consistence and survive within their jurisdiction through effective resource management plans and mobilization techniques (Australia O'Neill, 2013). Managers therefore are tasked with the responsibility to ensure their companies have functional financial and audit committees with independent directors to review internal accounting standards. Under this law, recommendations are made that the chief executive officer post should be distinguished from the chairs position for effective management. Further recommendations state that there should be more independent directors including the chairperson. Moreover, companies should have remuneration committee under an independent director[2]. The corporations Act 2001(section 184) demands directors to act in good faith and effectively use their position. Provisions of this act consider it an offense if the director is reckless or dishonest and fails to execute his duties in good faith in a proper manner. Directors, staff and other officers should therefore act fairly with no intensions of personal gain. Information should equally be truthful and used for the intended purpose (Clark, In Stuyck, In Terryn, 2015). Checks companies constitutions To enhance accountability and performance, Australia allows for removal of non-performing directors by majority rule. In public companies, CAP 2001(203D), demands that a two months notice be issued to the director and he or she should be given a hearing. Alternatively, the case is different on the private companies where removal follows a simpler procedure. For instance, in the case study, his honor was right since the 21days had not yet elapsed when the board called the meeting. Shareholders had a prior knowledge of the directors meeting but they choose to neglect it which was unconstitutionally contributing to their loss in the case presented (Elkington, Hall, Kell, Elkington, 2010). Safeguarding shareholders rights The Corporations Act safeguards shareholders rights by identifying their voting rights. Each stakeholder has one vote per share in the advent of a poll. The Australian Stock Exchange follows also recognizes shareholders position via their votes[3]. Directors must comply with shareholders demands of a meeting if members with 5% voting rights request a forum via writing specifying the resolutions they wish to pass. Ideally, members in a general meeting hold power to amend or alter the acting company constitution by a 75% vote. Members equally hold powers to contest against the directors pay. Basically, directors pay themselves and in some instances they could immerse companys resources for themselves until the Corporations Amendment law and the Corporate LAW Economic Reform Program Act of 2011 and 2004 was established by stakeholders to improve on accountability and remuneration (Law Society of Western Australia, 2012). Guides directors in performing their duties The Act foresees the loyalty and duty of care predispositions to ensure that directors act to the best interests of the organization. Australian directors as compared to other countries, create shareholder value as their primary obligations. The act ensures that the executive members avoid conflict of interests at all costs. Avoiding any potential harm to the organization is a key objective of the management. Therefore, directors who wish to take an opportunity in which the corporation may also have an interest must have a fully informed consent of the board lest the opportunity belongs to the company CA2001 (182-183). Further, any deal with huge transaction must be approved by members CA 2001(207-230). Proper oversight should be created by the directors to safeguard the position of the company therefore any default with regards to this provision is punishable. (www.australiansecurityandinvestmentcommisionvrich./ Shareholder litigation Shareholders are allowed to litigate over a breach of duty owed to the company to ensure that the best interests of the company are acted upon adequately. The court is also mandated to give a leave if need arises[4]. Takeovers Under the Corporations Act 2001, chapter 6, transactions control and restrictions apply to ensure companies do not become unfair monopolies as far as business and foreign investment is concerned. This section allows for employee protection and industrial protection under the legislations of the state. Unfair dismissals are legitimated as well and proper compensation is equally achieved (Solomon Solomon, 2004). Other Laws that Guard Companies ASIC Act 2001 The Australian Security and Investments Commission and Consumer protection Act ensure that consumers and companies are protected against any financial loss. Basically this body provides security in investments to ensure financial services of companies are met proficiently. ASIC also establishes corporations and markets advisory to experts for a healthy business environment (Victoria, 2012). ASIC commission has been involved in a series of cases with regards to breach of duties. For example, in March 2006, the federal court filed a case against Fortescue Metal group Ltd. and the CEO; a substantial shareholder of the company for breaching a contract with the Chinese Corporation by giving misleading announcement. The terms however were uncertain and dismissed by Justice Gilmour on defense that they allegations were not worthy a legal enforcement. Claims included; Fortescue deceived its conduct by breaching requirements of section 674 of the Corporation Act 2001. The CEO also infringed s ection 180(1) of the Act by discharging his duty with less diligence. Insurance contract Act 1984 The Act handles reforms relating to contract of insurance to strike a balance between insurers, the insured and the public interests (Turner, 2009). This law is solely concerned with terms of agreement between parties to ensure fairness is achieved at all levels and conflicts are minimized. For instance, in July, 2013, Richard Swansson successfully sued his adviser Rusell Harrison for non-disclosure of Swanssons material facts concerning his health that left him uninsured. Section 29(3) of the Insurance Act allows an insurer to terminate contract of life insurance due to breach of duty in disclosure of information before the contact after a period not more than 3years has elapsed. ( Wrongs Act 1958 This law was enacted by Queens Excellent Majesty following the advice and the consent of the legislative council and the assembly of Victoria by the current parliament. The law addresses negligence caused while on call yet with prior knowledge of the risks involved. It holds the neglectors responsible for compensation. For instancecs, in May 2016, the high court held Dr. Kam responsible for medical negligence involving failure to warn Mr. Wallace against the risks involved in the operation. Ideally, Mr. Wallace would have rejected the medication procedure prescribed by Dr. Kam could he have been informed of the risks that caused him neurapraxia. ( ). Competion and Consumer Act 2010 The Act relates to fair competition, trading, and consumer protection. Competition under this act is defined as a practice of businesses sharing similar markets. It therefore demands that companies should be honest in their pursuit of winning the market share by using right promotional campaign strategies. Consumers are protected against unfair measures of scale such as quality, quantity, price, and other standards defining user protection for example ingredients amongst others (Farrar, 2001). In August 2005-May 2008, Crafmatic Company was reported to have been using tricks to lure older persons into agreement with home presentation of their sales representative. The sales person would convince the consumer to buy the companies beds at $10,000 higher than the normal price. The federal court having the knowledge about this, ordered a seven years injunctions restraining the company. Those who had purchased the beds equally recorded their complaints for compensation. Customers were equa lly issued with details of their rights. Workplace injury rehabilitation and compensation Act 2013 The law stresses on the need of government commitment to reduce regulatory burden with regards to workers compensation. It facilitates easier understanding of workplace rights, responsibilities and obligations between employers and the employees (Guthrie, 1995). WIRC ensures compensation in terms of benefits and premiums is well calculated depending on the extent of the injury suffered while call[5]. In 2009 October, NSW injured workers were compensated a lump-sum payment to cater for their needs due to sustained injuries for their upkeep. ( Accident compensation Act 1985 Established by Accident Compensation Commission to constitute an accident tribunal to establish the Victorian accident Council to compensate, impose levy, remit payments, asses and collect levy with respect to accident compensation. The council offered provisions for amendment of the Workers Compensation Act 1958, the pay-roll system, Tax Act 1971, Motor Accidents Act 1973, Motor Car Act 1958, and other Acts related to accident. Magistrate S. Garnett in a court ruling in May 27th and 28th, 2015 applied this Act to dismiss claims that the medical panel refused termination of weekly payments yet 130weeks had passed since James sustained the back and neck injuries in 2009 in a motor accident. It was substantiated that James was no longer incapacitated due to injuries. It was equally established that the information from the doctor was inaccurate therefore case dismissed. ( Workers compensation Act 1958 This consolidates compensation of workers for sustained injuries during their work. Injuries may be manifested in various forms such as psychological torture, mental problem, and physical injuries amongst others. However, indicators are put in place to establish the cause of the injury whether it was due to workers carelessness, companys mistakes or unpredicted accidents such as earthquakes . Therefore companies and workers should take precautionary measures while on duty to avoid injuries at whatever costs. For example in an industrial company dealing with manufacturing, the helmet law applies to safeguard workers against head injuries (Clarke, Elliott, Mehmet, Law Vision, Australian Multimedia Training Productions, 2012). For instance, in F and Fleet master Services Pty Ltd, January 25th 2013, an injured worker who refused to go on a compulsory rehabilitation was suspended. The tribunal found no excuse for his failure. His claims on task suitability were rejected since workers are expected to diversify their skills. ( Occupational health and safety Act 2004 This Act safeguards employees health, safety, and welfare. Under this Act, the company is mandated with a task of ensuring its staff works in a conducive environment with less risk such as attacks, pollution effects, and others (Edwards, Halligan, Horrigan, 2012). Conducive environment is measured in terms of how much it contributes to workers motivation and job satisfaction visa vices the services offered[6]. As a way of creating a workable environmental plan, the management bases on staff-work relations to build corporation and limit conflicts at all costs (Belcher, 2014). Indicators of cases in manslaughter, occupational safety, and criminal liability were reinforced by the court to enhance a staff inclusive environment. ( Equipment Act 1994 Public safety is paramount in any production setting. The Act therefore advocates for proper selection of machinery and equipment to avoid harm to individuals, plantation, animals and other species within the companys reach. For instance, manufacturing companies are required by law to ensure they safeguard the environment of its staff and surrounding communities by using machines that control noise, and smoke emissions, waste disposal amongst others (Holt, 2008). The supply chain material programs are used to enhance better equipment in Victoria to support efficient working environment. ( Patents Act 1990 The Act is purely concerned with effective use of innovative technology for example use of internet should be regulated by the company to avoid much health related issues and stained relationships amongst staff members due to overdependence on innovation. Any innovation should meet the needs of customers and be within the business laws. Copyright Act 1968 The Act patently protects companies and other business entities against replicating products and services from their counterparts. Originality and creativity is highly advocated via entrepreneurial skills and innovative ideas are supported via extensive research and use of new technology for production purposes. For instance, the Russian Elcomsoft software company developed and sold via internet advanced eBook Processor which enables the user to disable publishers restrictions on electronic books. This could allow publication and distribution unflinching copyright Act. Arguments of fair use were claimed by Elcomsoft Company leaving US with no charges against the company since it was an innovative idea.( Designs Act 2003 Designs Act aims at individual artistic works. Basically, some products are forbidden from emulating without the owners permission. Design in relation to products includes the overall appearance of the product and visual features. Using registered designs without the permission of the owner is infringement therefore punishable by law. Trustee Act 1958 Trustee Act bases on the discharge of mortgage by the companys management. Trustees are delegated with powers to sale, confer, or lease the property. The corporation Act 2011(53) specifies that public trustee of a state or a territory should identify beneficiaries under the trust, their rights, and any payments they are entitled to (Reynolds, 2001). For instance, in 18th November 2010, ANZ trustee wished to transfer the title of a building from one trustee to another. His honor used section 63 of the Trust Act 1958, with reference to Ballard v Attorney Generas Case that was ruled on the basis of qualification of trustees with regards to the voting power, the quorum, and procedures. A similar case had been witnessed between the Victorian Fund and the Queensland Fund as common trustees of Sir William's will. Trade marks Act 1995 Trade mark is used to distinguish goods or services provided by persons or companies. The Australian laws forbid some signs from being used as trademarks. The registered owner of a trademark is subject to ownership of the trademark and is free to sale it to other parties. The trademark board affirmed the appeal against registration of herbal access terming it as a way of increasing substance abuse such as marijuana. ( Human tissue Act 1982 An in-depth definition of this Act is that it deals with human tissues which are most vulnerable for human living. The law does allow for donation in cases where one is stricken by sickness or accident leading to the default of the tissue or body organ. Human tissues can be used for schools in anatomy and practical lessons in the field of medicine however they are traders are not permitted to sale human tissues since it exposes human beings to risks of abduction. Equally, advertisement restrictions apply for instance in CAP1982 (40) which sates that a person shall not publish or disseminate tissues via any media, exhibit public view, or deposit tissues for sale. Schools are only allowed to use tissues in the event of death of a person. The law thereby defines death as irreversible cessation of circulation of blood in the body of a person and cessation of functioning of the brain. It is until then that tissues can be used for study[7]. /Review%20Group%20on% 20ROPM%20Report.pdf. Environment Protection Council Act Australian laws calls for companies to ensure that waste is controlled effectively. The Act demands that companies should identify disposal areas, transport waste effectively, and handle it in a way that it is consistent with environmental sound practices. The packaging material should reduce environmental degradation. Ideally, reuse and recycling of used packaging materials is highly advised. Australias international obligations protect human health and the environment (Australia Butterworths (Firm), 2001). The National waste policy offers four major directions which are responsibility, improving market, pursuing sustainability, and reducing hazard. Powercor Australia Ltd and Vemco Pty Ltd committed to spend $200,000 for rehabilitation of cleared vegetation following a court order presented in June 1st, 2015. ( Partnership Act 1963 This Act defines partnership as an agreement between parties to carry on a business. Majorly, the joint venture is meant to create a common goal of generating profit. Australian partnership is based on elements such as joint ownership, participating in gross returns, profit and loss sharing, and exercising partnership rights[8]. Wolfe end Golden Egg PTY Ltds disagreement on revenue were presented in a court to create a professional responsibility between the two partnerships. This depicts the need of limited audit and taxation for workable partnership. ( References Australia, Butterworths (Firm). (2001). Butterworths Australian corporations legislation: Corporations law, corporations regulations, ASIC Act and regulations, Corporations Act, Corporations ([State]) Act, other legislation. Sydney, N: Butterworths. Retrieved from: Australia, O'Neill,D. (2013). Report on the 2011-12 annual reports of bodies established under the ASIC Act. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia. Retrieved from: Belcher,A. (2014). Directors' decisions and the law: Promoting success. Retrieved from:'+decisions+and+the+law%3A+Promoting+success Clark,E.E., In Stuyck,J., In Terryn,E. (2015). Commercial and economic law in Australia. Retrieved from: Clarke,T., Elliott,A., Mehmet,I., Law Vision, Australian Multimedia Training Productions. (2012). Corporate governance. Australia: Law Vision. Retrieved from: Edwards,M., Halligan,J., Horrigan,B. (2012). Public Sector Governance in Australia. Canberra: ANU Press. Retrieved from: Elkington,B., Hall,M., Kell,D., Elkington,B. (2010). Annotated Trade Marks Act 1995. Chatswood, N.S.W: LexisNexis Butterworths. Retrieved from: Farrar,J.H. (2001). Corporate governance in Australia and New Zealand. South Melbourne, Vic: Oxford University Press. Retrieved from: Guthrie,R. (1995). Workers compensation Western Australia. Sydney: Butterworths. Retrieved from: Holt,M.F. (2008). The Sarbanes-Oxley Act: Costs, benefits and business impact. Amsterdam: CIMA. Retrieved from: Law Society of Western Australia. (2012). Directors' duties and corporate governance in turbulent times. Retrieved from: Reynolds,M. (2001). The Corporations Law Amendment (Employee Entitlements) Act 2000 (Cth): To What Extent Will it Save Employee Entitlements? QUT Law Review, 1(1). doi:10.5204/qutlr.v1i1.66 Solomon,J., Solomon,A. (2004). Corporate governance and accountability. New York: John Wiley. Turner,C. (2009). Corporate Governance Post-Companies Act 2006, Part 2. Corporate Governance, 73-103. doi:10.1016/b978-0-7506-8382-1.10004-3 Victoria. (2012). Inquiry into organ donation in Victoria: Report - March 2012. Melbourne: Victorian Government Printer. Retrieved from: www.australiansecurityandinvestmentcommisionvrich./
Thursday, November 28, 2019
History Repeats Itself free essay sample
The British government system, The Indian Civil Service, excluded Indians from positions rendering them without say in their own government. Additionally, the British passed many laws including the prohibiting the making of salt and purchase of only British cloth. Indians were forced to pay tax on common foods such as grain and salt. Mahatma Gandhi created a sense of nationalism or patriotism, and formed the â€Å"Quit India†campaign. Using civil disobedience, purposely defying an unjust law, and non-violent resistance, peaceful tactics, such as fasting. Nelson Mandela similarly led Africa to its freedom from apartheid created by the National Party. The apartheid divided and separated the Africans into four categories: White, Black, Colored, and Asian. Analogous to the Indian Civil Service the National Party striped all races except whites of their say in government such as voting rights and positions in political offices. Non whites were additionally taxed like the Indians and paid more than Whites. We will write a custom essay sample on History Repeats Itself or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Laws were imposed on the Africans similar to the Indians which restricted marriage, ownership of land, and business. Nelson Mandela achieved independence by becoming a radical member of the African National Congress which originally held peaceful protests like Gandhi, but transitioned into violence with gained Africa’s freedom. Because of Mandela’s crucial role in African independence he was elected president of South Africa. Jefferson uniformly to Gandhi and Mandela gained independence for America from Britain’s abusive leadership. Under British rule the colonies were also deprived of representation in government. Like India and Africa, laws were imposed on the colonies such as the Intolerable Acts which stripped the colonies of rights and freedom. Also identical to India and Africa were taxes inflicted on the colonies such as the stamp act, which required tax on all legal documents and the taxing of tea. Thomas Jefferson like Mandela joined a group set on freedom, the Continental Congress committee. Jefferson largest contribution was writing the Declaration of Independence which finalized the separation from Britain. Each of these influential leaders similarly led their country to independence. Each event in history holds undeniable correspondence. As each leader endured unrepresentative government, tax and laws they gained independence. Although rulers, languages, and cultures change through the years, history always returns to a repetitive tendency. Gandhi, Mandela, and Jefferson all analogously led their countries to independence showing a redundant fashion.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Strategic Management on Honda Motors Essay Example
Strategic Management on Honda Motors Essay Example Strategic Management on Honda Motors Essay Strategic Management on Honda Motors Essay Off-Campus Executive Summary The key to a firm’s success is its fit between the organization and its environment. We study Porter’s Five Forces and Porter’s Value Chain activities for Honda’s strategic planners to analyse the organisation’s role in itself and how it copes with the environment. The strategic planner’s role is to forecast and direct the organisation into future strategies. Honda’s market positioning faces many challenges for example, the company’s core competencies in engine design and its engineers’ pursuit of technological mastery are not in accordance with market demand. onda’s positioning is not moving beyond the conservative Civic and Accord models, despite attempts to come up with other innovative cars. How the global automobile industry configures its activities across borders is largely dependent on how it deals with the opposite demands of global integration of activities and handles deman d for local responsiveness. Prof. Whittington’s Classical and Processual Schools of Thought identifies with how differently strategies are developed. On one hand, strategic managers would like to forecast the future and to orchestrate plans to prepare for it. On the other hand, experimentation, learning and flexibility are required to deal with unexpected future events. The two model are applied on Honda Motors and we analyse which one is more suitable for Honda Motors. Global strategic management is conducted by managers all over the world. Its success depends on clear communication and understanding between them. The cultural dimensions are discussed from five aspects. They are power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance and long term/short term orientation. In the systemic perspective, the international strategic manager at Honda Motors will take into account the cultural dimension in building productive relationships. Table of Contents Individual Assignment Case Study – Reconciling Managerial Dichotomies @ Honda Motors in De Wit Meyer (2004:671) â€Å"Structural transformation through E-Business†Module Leader: Dr. Augustus Osseo-Asare Submission Date: Monday, 10th January 2011 Word Count: 3,000 words SIM336 Strategic Management Sunderland Business School
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Realism in the play Mulatto written by Langston Hughes Essay
Realism in the play Mulatto written by Langston Hughes - Essay Example The realness of this protagonist comes from the fact that he resembles or represents a real person who exists, or had existed, in certain historical time and place. The representation of the protagonist in the physical world makes Robert, at certain level, a real person. The realness of the protagonist is made possible by the human reader him- or herself; Robert becomes alive within the mental frame of the reader. Upon â€Å"seeing†Robert’s character in the play, the sensible reader is able to grasp the resemblance or representation of this protagonist to the real world. Evidently, the real world that the reader perceives is a material and/or perceptual realm in which he or she possesses based from an aspect or element of knowledge. In lieu to the Mulatto play, the knowledge that is at work here is a historical one: racism in the early 20th-century South. Second, the Mulatto playwright uses real place-and-time continuum in narrating the drama’s reality. Mentioni ng the names Georgia and Eleanor Roosevelt suggests a particular geography and historical time-period in which the narrative takes place. Georgia, for one thing, is one of the States in America, which is located in its Southern region. Historically speaking, Georgia was a state that politically belonged to or supported the Confederate Government. And one of the objectives of the Confederate States was the maintenance or preservation of black slavery within its geopolitical domain. In the narrative, Hughes portrays the existence and persistence of slavery in the South through the symbolism or representation of Colonel Thomas Norwood, a slave owner from Georgia. The realness of the play comes from, among other elements, the spatial context of the narrative. Moreover, the name Eleanor Roosevelt is a very familiar name especially to the Americans, both North and South. She is well known for her civil-rights activities, particularly that which relates to women’s rights. Mrs. Roose velt is a historical figure who lived beyond the literary text. And the mere mention of her name in the Mulatto evokes the near reality of the drama: early 20th century. Third, Hughes employs dialogue that is ordinary or â€Å"real life†conversation. For instance, the phonology or textual character marked in the play sounds like real Southerners, especially the black people. The way the characters utter a word or two sounds like the speech prominent in the black community. In addition, the ideas or meanings contained in their utterances or dialogue are very similar to the context of everyday conversation. By and large, the Mulatto play written by Hughes utilizes, in an effective manner, realism as a literary device via the representations of its real characters, setting, and
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Introduction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Introduction - Essay Example It contains the case studies that I have done. The case studies are the students approach to how they would with certain healthcare situations that do arise all the time. I have done five case studies that have been graded with an excellent score. Along with the case studies are the articles that I summarized along with the summaries. I have again gotten perfect scores on the summaries, which is something that I am very proud of. Then I have listed five scientific journals that are in the subject of health science. They were useful to me over the past five years. Last but not least I have used my upper division Health Science projects where I indicated what my responsibilities for each of them were. The second section is the career section where I have indicated what where my career goals and where I want to go in future. I have included a job ad for public health educator in Forsyth County, North Carolina. I have used my cover letter as well as my resume that has been tailored to the field of Public Health and Safety. Also I included my personal essay which goes into what factors made a difference in my academic career. As you read my essay, one can almost say that I am heavily influenced by my parents. Hopefully one can also read how determined I was. The third section is system analysis. In this section, students were asked to use an organizational chart. I used a chart for a government agency that I may consider working for in the future. The agency that I choose is the San Francisco Department of Health (SFDPH).This chart lists the current positions in the field as well as their hierarchy. The vacant places are indicated as well. The fourth section is the papers. The first of the papers is the legacy role. The legacy role really examines the student’s perspective on how the overall Health Science coursework has impacted them. For me, I have chosen to pick the positive and the negative of each spectrum.Overall; I stated that I made the right
Monday, November 18, 2019
Abortions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Abortions - Essay Example These views have been termed as â€Å"pro-life†and â€Å"pro-choice†. Those who are against the abortion believe that there is something needs to be done to preserve life. They believe that the government has a duty of preserving all human life (Pro-choice Action Network 1). This view is typically held by the mainstream churches such as the Roman Catholic Church. On the other hand, those who support abortion believe that a person has a right to their own productive means (Pro-choice Action Network 1). People not affiliated to mainstream churches usually hold this view. These have been described as pro-choice. These people believe that all choices must remain valid. The stands have generated a serious conflict on the issue of abortion. Such believe on the issue of abortion are rooted on science and religion. Therefore, any view tries to prove its stance on the issue of abortion. A reflection on abortion helps in understanding pro-choice and pro-life position. There is d ifferent postmodern worldview based on pro-choice position on the issue of abortion. These views have been in support of abortion and have come to be known as prochoice. The worldview has made it possible for abortion to be viewed as a simple thing. In fact, most of the people in favor of abortion believes that abortion is as easy as taking of pill.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Impact of Globalization on Ford Motor Company
Impact of Globalization on Ford Motor Company The motor vehicle industry offers a unique perspective on globalization because of its massive employment, huge corporations and iconic product, it seem to reflect the countries identity. GM and FORD for the united states, FIAT and Ferrari for the Italy, Toyota and Honda for Japan. Globalization has impacted almost all the companies. Some of who managed to survive the various incidences of history like the world war and the great depression have set industry standards for the companies to follow. I am going to demonstrate the effect of globalization by taking Three instances from the Ford motor company. The following essay will try to give an insight of how political, economical, social and technological factors affected Fords strategies under the changing business environment that helped it stand out from the other rival car manufacturers in the world. Ford created some of the finest works of automobile engineering and came out with various eco-friendly innovations making it the only motor company to secure its place in the list of 100 most ethical companies of the world. About the company: Henry Ford had experienced a grand success especially with the early models like the T Model . he went on explained his business overseas and by the early 1910s, with production facilities in France, Denmark and England ,Germany and Austria. After the First World War started, Ford produced half of the cars being sold in the US. During the war, Ford produced many of its cars to serve the army. 1938: The German consul at Cleveland awards Henry Ford the Grand Cross of the German Eagle, the highest medal Nazi Germany could bestow on a foreigner By 1941, Ford became the worlds largest assembly plant owner and Ford produced from standard military vehicles, to B-24 Liberator bombers and tanks during the World War II After the WWII, was the period when Ford company developed and evolved very fast. Ford came out with latest technologies and development for their cars. During the Cold War they were the most important carmakers in the world. It was during period that the Ford Motor Company looked for other possible investments and continued to expand overseas. In 1979 they acquired a one fourth Mazda, the Japanese carmaker in 1987. Ford added Aston Martin and in 1989 Ford acquired Jaguar under its umbrella brand. Ford Motor Company onits 100th birthday in 2003 and showcased a series of special edition of cars, such as the all new Ford Mustang. Ford faced financial crisis when it reported losses of over $12 billion for the 2006 fiscal year .It led to the selling of some of the brands from the Ford group: Aston Martin, Jaguar and Land Rover. After the third Restructuring process The Way Forward, Ford started to Divest its subsidiary business in order to focus on the core FORD brand. It sold its Jaguar and Land Rover brand to Tata Automobile of India in 2008. Major events that shaped FORD in the changing global environment: 1914: Ford introduced $5 workday minimum wage double the existing rate. Background: In 1914 ford innovated the 5 dollar workday. 5 dollar was just twice the wages being paid at that time. The interesting thing about this was it was far more than the balance between demand and supply. The number of worker willing to work exceeded the required. The ford company came to be associated with good wages in 1914. This policy of high wages and mass production gave rise to a new term Fordism . Factors affecting decision: (P)olitical: Henry Ford was a strict anti-union, and believed in authoritative way of government system. (E)conomical: In the 1913 the availability of labors must have increased as the national economy and Detroit hinterland suffered a significant downturn. This is evident from the following table 1 which shows the number of people receiving the special unemployment relief in the country including Detroit increased about two third between the period of July 1912 June 1913 Fords high wage policy is in by the efficient wage theory. There are various theories for these changes like the Dual labour market theory. Although the same efficient wage theory also says the in a competitive market some people must be stuck in bad, low paid jobs or unemployed (Gintis, 1998). The alternative to the Fords offer of 5 dollar wage was unemployment or very low paid job hence can be the reason why workers showed up. (S)ocial: In 1913 Fords worker turnover rate increased to 380 percentage. High turnover rate during the twentieth century was a common problem faced by many manufacturers. The reason for dissatisfaction of labours according to ford management repost Too long hours Low wages Bad housing conditions Undesirable shop conditions . Fords method of 5 dollar wage made workers motivated, punctual. This although should have been a costly affair turned out to be profitable step for the business. The higher the wage rate offered by firms, the more effort will be supplied by the employees, with other things being the same (T)echnological: Dramatic evolution in production technology by Fords assembly line technique. The high efficiently of this system raised the importance of High worker turn over, high worker effort, and high worker quality. By 1910 two third of the fords workforce were either workmen or mechanics who were over rated as highly skilled or skilled this was because ford was not a manufacturing company rather assembling company. This problem was suppressed by 1996: Ford certifies all plants in 26 countries to ISO 9000 quality and ISO 14001 environmental standards Background: World War II gave birth to the idea of quality assurance. The first formal quality control programs in the world was instituted by the United States Defense department , in order to deal problems related to manufacturing of defense equipment as quality was the main consideration. Industry standards then became popular and reached the other parts of the world. They formed the basis for a set of quality assurance standards which was adopted by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) members . Those standards were called the Allied Quality Assurance Publication (AQAP) ( Finally at the close of World War II, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was created in 1947, with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. ISO 9000 ISO 14001: In December 1996, Ford became the largest automotive organization in the world to receive ISO 9001 quality certification, for quality management and quality assurance. On Sept. 9, 1999, Ford Motor Co. became the first U.S. automotive company to require all of its production and nonproduction suppliers to become certified to ISO 14001 international standards for environmental considerations. Factors affecting decision: (P)olitical: Governments may have actively promoted ISO 14001 if their economies relied on exporting to countries with high levels of ISO 14001 adoption rates .United States formed the Registrar Accreditation Board (RAB) to standardize procedure for certification. The US Congress adopted the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act requiring federal agencies to adopt International Standards where they exist, instead of creating their own. Intergovernmental networks played limited role in diffusion of ISO as it was nongovernmental regime. Adversarial legalism approach was practiced in the U.S . In this system, the parties to a controversy develop and present their arguments, gather and submit evidence, call and question witnesses, and, within the confines of certain rules, control the process. The fact finder, usually a judge or jury, remains neutral and passive throughout the proceeding. This was slow and cumbersome. Relations between environmental groups, government regulators and industry were characterized by varying levels of hostility and high levels of mistrust. (E)conomic: International standards were important trends in business practice. During the Early 20th century, quality was viewed as an additional cost of production for the business. But, the quest for quality became their major consideration, as companies realized that high quality leads to more efficient and less expensive production processes. Both ISO 9000 and ISO 14001 helped companies to increase their market share. Encouragement by World Trade Organization for creation of supranational standards helped cut down barriers on trade and investment. As a consequence of which Foreign Direct Investment from international Market started pouring in. Changes were also happening at domestic levels which led to Rise in intercompany (trade within value the value chains of the company) trade Because of presence of dual trade linkage there might be a Possibility of California effect which means that if country A absorbs a significant proportion of country Bs exports, then country B can be expected to mimic or respond to the policies of country A (S)ociological: Employee morale improved as they felt part of the process. Managers and employees accepted responsibility for quality. This created better co-operation and communication among workers to do a better job and increased companies efficiency. This in turn led to improved customer satisfaction and trust. It helped reduce the need for customer audits (This can result in major savings). However, many citizen and activist groups were wary of EMS standards and viewed them as private regimes that were outside public scrutiny and claimed that adopting ISO 14001 will become a de facto condition of doing business: firms that outsource their operations sometimes require that their suppliers adopt ISO 14001. (T)echnological: Development of pollution-prevention techniques and company-specific EMSs to reduce waste production as well as disposal costs .Presence of new form of Information and technology and greater interaction among people of different countries led to the diffusion. Ford was perceived as good corporate citizens producing higher quality products. Hence, they gained goodwill that helped retain old customers while attract new ones. (L)egal: There was NO legal implication were there on the companies to adopt such standard but since EMS had become a gold standard for CSR conscious firms therefore most of the MNCs adopted them. (E)nvironmental: In the 1980s, environmental regulations on hazardous waste disposal at both the local and national levels became more stringent. This forced companies to change their method for hazardous waste disposal from placement in landfills to treatment and recycling. 2008: Ford sells Jaguar and Land Rover to Tata Motors: Background: After facing a loss of North American market share to Asian rivals like Toyota, Ford CEO Bill Ford declared to cut 25,000 to 30,000 jobs and idle 14 facilities by 2012 thus declaring the resurgence of Ford Motor company.. Bill Ford had instituted a Revitalization Plan in 2002, after the automaker lost $5 billion a year earlier. But the plan failed to meet the goals set for 2005. Later in 2006 the new CEO Allan R. Mulally announced the Third restructuring plan known as The Way Forward. The targeted areas of improvement were marketing and sales, Technology development and Human resource. Factors affecting decision: (P)olitical: Allan R. Mulally succeeded Bill Ford as the new president CEO of Ford Motor Company on September 5, 2006. on September 5, 2006. One of Mulallys first decisions at Ford was to bring back the Taurus nameplate. (E)conomical: Ford reported a loss of 1.2 Billion Dollar with a decrease in the market share from 23.7% to 15.5% since the year 2000.It faced tough competition from Asian manufacturer such as Toyota which had manufacturing capacity of over 1.5 million vehicles in North America alone. High prices of oil posed a threat that global economy might slip into recession and would create high uncertainty for the business as customers were switching over from sport utility vehicles to smaller, more fuel efficient cars. Because of high increase in labour and material costs, United States parts manufacturing company like Delphi declared bankruptcy in 2005. Ford did not want to sell its jaguar and land rover brand to similar automaker company which had wide range of product in order to avoid competitive pressures on fords other auto lines. (S)ocial: Stringent relationship between united auto workers and American car maker as the domestic car manufacturers bore the burden of heavy pension and health care costs. This was the scenario for both for current and retired workers, as stipulated in contracts with the UAW. This was not the case with Japanese manufacturers. UAW member at fords allowed non union workers to perform certain tasks and did not pay them even for overtime some of which fell on weekends and furthermore 6000 salaried jobs were cut in September, 2006 and additional 30,000 jobs scheduled for 2012. Customer purchases are driven by perceived value derived from brand reputation and an individuals personality and living standards, lack of differentiation between Ford, Lincoln and mercury brands resulted in cannibalization of sales. (T)echnological: U.S governments new rule in august, 2005 brought a change in the existing fuel efficiency standards. Though ford lacked innovation in mid sized and small cars it projected that by 2015 one half of the vehicles on road would have a six speed automatic transmission, which would result in increased mileage. (E)nvironmental: Pressure from environmentalist on car and truck manufacturers to clean up emissions by adopting to fuels like bio diesel, electric motors, compressed natural gas and solar energy. How globalization impacted FORD: We see from the examples globalization effected fords strategies from the time it was setup till date. They were able to maintain their competitive advantage over the other companies either by innovating new technologies likes the assembly lines, approaching to new International standards or by focusing on the core Ford brand. By adapting such processes, FORD motor company contributed toward Corporate social responsibility and created remote social value in the eyes of the customers. Although there is some probability of window dressing and a quest for better profits. These can be understood by strategic behavior theories like market imperfections (Stephen Hymer (market imperfections, 1960s) and role of oligopolies (Market Imperfections, 1960s). Which explain that MNCs expand abroad ,exploit specific advantages over their rivals and remove conflicts with their rivals. (IBE, Lecture 8, slide 33) The Ford company explored new horizons of business across cross border market either by value crating or value capturing activities (lecture 6 slide 31). Expanding overseas specially towards emerging economies may not only increase corporate profits and shareholders returns but also provide employment to host countries and develop these economies at the base of the pyramid all of which have noble CSR dimensions. Ford quickly merged and acquired some of the big brand under its umbrella and came out come with some best of the cars leaving a long lasting impression on the consumers. Despite of debate, Globalization has led to a greener and safer environment where MNCs are under continuous process of giving their consumer even better products and creating flagship cars.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Cuban Missle Crisis Essay -- History Cuba Weapons Essays Cold War
Cuban Missle Crisis Many agree that the Cuban Missile Crisis was the closest the world ever came to nuclear war; but exactly how close did it come? The Crisis was ultimately a showdown between the United States and the Soviet Union from October 16 to October 28, 1962. During those thirteen stressful days, the world’s two biggest superpowers stood on the brink of a nuclear catastrophe. The Crisis started as a result of both the Soviet Union’s fear of losing the arms race, and Cuba’s fear of US invasion. The Soviet Premier, Nikita Khrushchev, thought that both problems could easily be solved by placing Soviet medium range missiles in Cuba. This deployment would double the Soviet arsenal and protect Cuba from US invasion. Khrushchev proposed this idea to Cuban Premier, Fidel Castro, who, like Khrushchev, saw the strategic advantage. The two premiers worked together in secrecy throughout the late-summer and early-fall of 1962. The Soviets shipped sixty medium-range ballistic missiles (M RBMs) along with their warheads, launch equipment, and necessary operating personnel to Cuba. When United States President, John F. Kennedy discovered the presence of these offensive weapons, he immediately organized EX-COMM, a group of his twelve most important advisors. They spent the next couple of days discussing different possible plans of action and finally decided to remove the US missiles from Turkey and promise not to invade Cuba in exchange for the removal of all offensive weapons in Cuba. On October 28, Khrushchev sent Kennedy a letter stating that he agreed to the terms Kennedy stated, and the crisis ended. The Cuban Missile Crisis can be blamed on the insecurity of Cuba and the Soviet Union. After the United States’ unsuccessful attempt to overthrow Castro and end communism in Cuba at the Bay of Pigs in 1961, Castro was fearful of another US invasion. The US Armed Forces conducted a mock invasion and drafted a plan to invade Cuba to keep Castro nervous. As a result, Castro thought the US was serious, and he was desperate to find protection. This protection came in the form of sixty Soviet medium-range ballistic missiles. (Detzer 30-32, 39, 55, 68, 87) During his presidential campaign, Kennedy repeatedly stated that the US had less missiles than the Soviets, contradicting the Pentagon’s claim that the opposite was true. However, during the summer of 1961, when... ...on of aerial and naval reconnaissance flights in Cuban airspace and waters; (5) and the return of Guantanamo Naval Base to Cuba. Eventually, with the help of the UN, Castro backed down and all sides reached an agreement. A UN inspection team was assigned to monitor the removal of the missiles and the demolition of the missile bases in Cuba. Then, the Soviet Navy shipped the missiles back to the USSR. The missiles were sent back on the decks of the ships so that American reconnaissance planes could count the missiles and make sure that all had been removed. Nine months after the crisis ended, Kennedy and Khrushchev signed an agreement to ban nuclear testing in the atmosphere. This marked the beginning of what seemed to be a new willingness to cooperate and communicate. However, on November 22, 1963, President Kennedy was assasinated in Dallas, Texas. Eleven months later, Premier Khrushchev was removed from office by communist "hard liners." (Brugioni 572-574) One can’t help but wonder what would have happened if these two men had stayed in power. Maybe the same two people who brought us so close to nuclear war, now changed by the experience, could have brought us far from it.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Creative writing – A New Life
â€Å"So then Tom,†his mother wept, â€Å"don't worry. I'll see you again.†Tom was shocked, he'd never seen his mother cry before. Even when Dad left to help in the army, she had been very strong. â€Å"But-but Mum,†he bit his lip, holding back his tears, â€Å"I don't want to go.†â€Å"I know, don't worry,†then she started to cry more heavily while singing â€Å"We'll meet again†to him, his favourite song. Suddenly, a whistle rang loudly through his head, so Tom reluctantly stepped on to the train, his name tag round his neck and watched while his mother grew further and further away until she was no longer visible through his tears. Tom calmed himself down and tried as hard as he could to find the positive points to this situation. Well, at least he was safe from being blown to smithereens. That was all he could think of. He wasn't even going to start with the negative points. â€Å"Hello there, â€Å"a small boy who looked about eight had just come into the compartment, â€Å"I can't wait, this will be great. Such a brilliant holiday, Dad said it will be fun. I don't know why he hasn't come with me, though.†Tom hadn't the heart to tell him that he'd probably never see his father again. â€Å"My name's William, what's yours?†The little boy said. â€Å"Tom, nice to meet you William,†he felt terrible, â€Å"so, do you know where we're going?†â€Å"No, but it will be good,†said William excitedly. The door to the compartment slid open and a girl Tom's age came in. She was pale and looked very ill. She sat down and started mumbling to herself, tears rolling down her cheeks. â€Å"Why are you crying, â€Å"William laughed, â€Å"this is terribly exciting. Holiday!†â€Å"What on earth are you talking about,†the girl wept, â€Å"we'll never see our parents again. This is no holiday, we're being evacuated to the country.†â€Å"I will see my Dad again,†William argued. â€Å"No you won't, trust me,†she was right and William was starting to realise the truth. Suddenly, his bottom lip started to shake and he burst into tears. The girl took the boy into her arms and tried to comfort him the best that she could. â€Å"My name's Harriet,†she told Tom. â€Å"I'm Tom†¦ hi ,†he replied. There was a long awkward silence between the two of them while William started to get to grips with the situation and settle down. â€Å"That's William,†Tom explained to Harriet â€Å"Oh, the poor little boy,†she was starting to cry again, â€Å"he's too young for things like this to be happening to him. It's terrible!†For the next few minutes they sat silently looking out of the window. Later, they each took a small lunch out of their bags and compared what they had. â€Å"Bread and butter with a lump of cheese,†Tom was very pleased with his lunch, â€Å"and an apple!†â€Å"I've got some cheese and cold sausages,†said William happily. â€Å"Oh mother!†she looked disappointed, â€Å"she knows I hate grapes. I'll swap them for your apple Tom.†They ate happily chatting to each other about the lives they were leaving behind and dreaming about the lives they were leaving for. Some of their ideas were very far-fetched but none of them had been out of the city before and so didn't have a clue about what would happen. Shortly after, they, one by one dozed off. â€Å"Right everyone!†the guard was walking down the train banging on the doors of all the compartments, â€Å"come on, time to get off.†Tom, Harriet and William collected their luggage and stepped off the train, staying close to each other. They were checked by a tall man and then led into a town hall. â€Å"Boys on the left, girls on the right!†a small plump lady was hurrying the children along to the front of the hall where lots of adults were waiting and taking a close look at every child, â€Å"quiet please†The lady then started to read out names and appointing children to a family. â€Å"Harriet Mendal to Mr Magda please,†and so Harriet walked head down to her new father. A few seconds later William was called out and sent to a Mrs Walner. â€Å"Tom Fritz to Mr and Mrs Grundle,†the lady read out and so Tom was handed over to a grumpy looking man and a sympathetic looking woman. They were a middle aged couple wearing farmer's clothes that he'd seen in a newspaper once. â€Å"Hello Tom,†said Mrs Grundle smiling then turned to her husband, â€Å"well, say hello then John†â€Å"Hello boy, well let's get on home then,†he didn't look at all happy about taking in Tom in. â€Å"So Tom,†Mrs Grundle seemed very nice, â€Å"how old are you?†â€Å"I'm , er, thirteen,†he replied feeling very uncomfortable for the duration of the walk to his new house. It would be his new house but definitely not his home. Soon they came to a large stone house next to a field and a pig pen. â€Å"Well boy,†Mr Grundle grumbled, â€Å"get upstairs and into bed quickly.†Mr Grundle seemed to be trying to make it very obvious to Tom that he already didn't like him. Putting this thought behind him, he followed Mrs Grundle up the stairs and into a huge room. Inside, there was a bed, a chest of drawers and a wardrobe. There was a lot of empty space that made the room feel even bigger. â€Å"Here you are Tom.†Mrs Grundle told him, â€Å"now, breakfast will be at seven o' clock. After that, you'll help John, Mr Grundle to you, on the farm until two o' clock, then have lunch. Once you've finished your lunch you'll help out with the pigs until six o' clock when you can have dinner then go to bed at eight. I know it sounds hard work but I'm sure you'll get used to it, okay?†Tom nodded, changed, then got into bed. It was warm an comfy and made him think of his mother â€Å"Goodnight Tom,†whispered Mrs Grundle as she turned off the light then went down stairs. Tom slept very badly that night. He kept dreaming of his mother and the Germans dropping bombs on her house, leaving him here with Mr and Mrs Grundle for the rest of his life. He got up when the alarm clock on the drawers next to his bed read six forty-five. He got changed and walked down the stairs. He entered the kitchen and was blinded by a dazzling light coming through the window. It was a beautiful, sunny day. â€Å"What's wrong boy?†Mr Grundle laughed, â€Å"never seen sunlight before?†â€Å"Never as bright as this sir,†Tom told him, â€Å"it's dazzling.†â€Å"Been in the city too long, I reckon,†said Mr Grundle unhappily, while sitting down at the table, lighting a pipe and reading the paper. A breakfast of egg and bacon was laid out in front of him. â€Å"Good morning Tom,†greeted Mrs Grundle, â€Å"here's your breakfast.†She placed another plate of bacon and egg before him. â€Å"Thank you ma'am,†said Tom politely. â€Å"Oh nonsense!†giggled Mrs Grundle, â€Å"please call me Joan!†Tom put a bit of bacon in his mouth and chewed. It was absolutely delicious. It was bursting with flavour and fit for a king. He savoured every mouthful. Then he turned his attention to the egg. He cut it like a surgeon, hoping it would be as good as the bacon. It most definitely did. The yolk melted in his mouth, it was delicious. As quickly as the pleasure had started, it stopped and Tom was sad to see an empty plate. â€Å"Right lad,†boomed Mr Grundle, †let's see if you can deal with a good day's work, eh. You'll be begging to stop before the first hour's up no doubt.†â€Å"I'll try my best sir, really I will,†Tom still couldn't understand why Mr Grundle didn't like him. They walked outside and opened the door to a large shed. Tom was amazed at how many tools and potentially dangerous things there were in there. He was passed a sythe then taken into the field and shown briefly how to use it properly. â€Å"Now,†said Mr Grundle, â€Å"seeing as it's harvest time, I don't want you mucking this up. I want you cut this wheat from the bottom along these two rows, tie it up into bundles with that string next to the tractor then load it onto the wagon. Got that?†â€Å"Yes sir,†Tom wasn't looking forward to this. For the next three hours Tom cut the wheat, tied it up and loaded it all onto the wagon. He was sweating like the pigs when Mr Grundle decided he could do another row of wheat. â€Å"Get your back into it boy!†shouted Mr Grundle at regular intervals. Finally, Tom finished and watched as Mr Grundle struggled with his tractor. He wanted to get the wheat down to his friends farm. â€Å"Damn thing won't start,†he wasn't pleased, â€Å"come on Rusty. Oh I'll have lunch first.†They went inside and sat down at the kitchen table. Mrs Grundle laid a plate of sausage and egg in front of him. Tom ate it slowly. â€Å"See those eggs lad?†growled Mr Grundle, â€Å"come from the finest chickens, they do.†â€Å"Eggs don't come from chickens, do they?†asked Tom cautiously looking at the eggs disgustingly. â€Å"Of course they do,†laughed Mr Grundle, â€Å"where do you think they come from? Weren't you taught that in the city?†Tom pushed away his plate as though he was scared of the eggs. â€Å"What's wrong boy?†Mr Grundle shouted at Tom, â€Å"won't eat? Well, I'll do something about that.†â€Å"Now John, don't do anything-†Mrs Grundle tried to reason with him. â€Å"You stay out of this woman!†Mr Grundle exploded. He dragged Tom up to his room in a fit of rage and threw him on the floor. He picked Tom up again and hit him hard. Tom screamed. He was hit again, and again, and again until he was bruised all over. â€Å"We provide hospitality,†spat Mr Grundle, â€Å"and you throw it back in our face. You should try to be a bit more grateful!†Mr Grundle hit Tom one more time, then dragged him outside to the pig sty. â€Å"Feed the bloody pigs, then wait out here until dinner and you will eat it! Got that boy!?!†Tom fed the pigs then waited. He stared at Mr Grundles broken down tractor and an idea arose in his head. Tom remembered that before his father had went to help with the war he had taught Tom how to fix a broken down car. Would a tractor be the same? Maybe if he fixed the tractor, Mr Grundle would like him. Tom would need tools. His dad had loads because he was a mechanic. â€Å"Get in here boy!†shouted Mr Grundle from the back door. Tom ate slowly then went to bed early to avoid Mr Grundle and another one of his beatings. Over the next few days Tom tried as hard as he could to stay out of Mr Grunde's way for as long as possible. Every week Tom was shown a new tool from the shed and he took a mental note of what else was in there and whether he would need it for the tractor. One night, when Mr Grundle was in the house talking to Mrs Grundle, Tom had a look under the bonnet of the tractor. There was hardly anything wrong with it, this would be an easy job. He would only need a few tools. â€Å"Boy,†Mr Grundle called him inside surprisingly quietly, â€Å"get in here. Something's happened.†â€Å"What is it sir?†asked Tom anxiously. â€Å"It's your parents Tom, â€Å"whispered Mrs Grundle, â€Å"Our father has been killed and your mothers house†¦bombed. A direct hit. I'm so sorry Tom.†Tom was speechless. He felt as though he had hit in the stomach by Mr Grundle all over again. He walked outside almost in a trance, and was violently sick in the pig pen. When he felt better, he lay on the ground looking up at the night sky. Tom didn't cry, he couldn't cry, not yet. He had just dried up and shrivelled away from the real world and he didn't feel as though he would ever return. Mrs Grundle opened the back door slowly and crept out to Tom, leaving her husband looking uncomfortably out of the window. â€Å"Come on Tom,†she said softly, â€Å"let's get you to bed.†Tom didn't know what he was doing, he just followed silently. Tom didn't leave hi room for the next two days. All of his meals were brought up to him by Mrs Grundle. Tom could finally cry, and did so , heavily. The next day, Tom awoke and felt that it was now time to take a step out of his room, go downstairs and out the door to work. He worked tirelessly without breakfast. When he was directed by Mr Grundle to collect a large bag of seeds, he slipped under his shirt a spanner, a screwdriver and a ranch. He sneaked them up to his room at lunch. â€Å"What are you doing up there boy?†shouted Mr Grundle impatiently, â€Å"come on, let's get back to work. â€Å"Coming,†Tom replied and ran downstairs. Tonight was the night, he would fix that tractor. He did his work hurriedly until another dinner of eggs, that he was now getting used to, then went to bed. Tom somehow kept himself awake until e was sure that Mr and Mrs Grundle were in bed. He crept outside in the dark and fixed the tractor as quickly as he could. He ran inside feeling very pleased with when he was greeted by a very red Mr Grundle. â€Å"Good evening boy,†he said as calmly as he could, â€Å"what are you doing outside at this time of night?†Tom stayed silent. â€Å"Well boy?. Answer me!†Mr Grundle spat. â€Å"I was fixing your tractor sir,†Tom turned white as he watched Mr Grundle's face burst into a nasty laugh. â€Å"Oh, is that right? Well, let's have a look at your handy work then shall we? â€Å"Mr Grundle dragged Tom outside into the cold night. He was placed on top of a haystack next to the tractor. Tom watched Mr Grundle get in the drivers seat and turn the key. Mr Grundle's face fell when he heard a loud roar and his tractor started. He was absolutely gobsmacked. He got down off the tractor and let his hand fall on Tom's shoulder. â€Å"You're a genius lad,†Mr Grundle's face broke into a smile, â€Å"oh lad. Thank you so, so much. Come on, let's get inside and back to bed.†The next day, Tom woke up, got change and bounced down the stairs with a large spring in his step. â€Å"Tom,†Mrs Grundle said carefully, â€Å"now, because of your parents, er, well, we've been asked to take care of you, would that be okay with you? We would be happy to take you in.†â€Å"Of course Joan,†Tom was actually pleased to be asked to stay. â€Å"You realise that you will have to stay for a long time, don't you?†asked Mr Grundle, â€Å"as I get older, I'll need more help on the farm, is that clear, Tom?†â€Å"That would be great,†Tom knew he would be fine, Mr Grundle had just called him by his real name.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Censorship In Music
change to be acceptable for all audiences. This does not include cable television, which can be audited by parents since the parents must order and pay for the channel to be v... Free Essays on Censorship in Music Free Essays on Censorship in Music Censorship in Music Censorship in music is a topic that has brought about much controversy in the past two decades. There have been many different arguments on the topic, however the question still remains as if it should be censored or it should not be censored. Before you can form an opinion on this, you must hear both sides of the argument on this much-debated topic. Some people believe that music should be censored so all audiences can hear it without it containing any controversial lyrics. Others believe it should not be censored and musical artists should be able to speak, sing, rap, or rhyme freely without anyone censoring them. "Whether a person finds a work obscene depends largely on his or her moral or religious beliefs. These views change with each generation and further complicate the censorship dilemma." (Censorship by, Bradley Steffens page 97) The quote above is very true. Religious or moral beliefs have a great influence on how a person feels about censorship, and as generations pass on the common beliefs on it may change. Right now, America is more uncensored than ever. However, things were very different a few generations ago. Some people believe music should be censored. They believe some of the language musical artists use is vulgar, obscene, and crude. Also the fact that music is played on medias such as radio and television, which are free to listen to by all audiences, and there are many parents that would not wish for their kids to hear foul language. So on radio and television any controversial language is either silenced, edited out by a soft sound, or some artists make two versions of their songs; one that is made for the artist's album, which is uncensored; and one for television and radio with any controversial words change to be acceptable for all audiences. This does not include cable television, which can be audited by parents since the parents must order and pay for the channel to be v... Free Essays on Censorship In Music â€Å"Congress shall make no law†¦ abridging the freedom of speech.†(United States Constitution) However, it seems almost everywhere; many forms of art are being unfairly censored. One such form that is often overlooked as art is music. â€Å"Music is probably the most censored of all art forms†(The Economist; p 73) There are hundreds of artists who have been unfairly censored, ranging from popular music from artists such as Eminem, 2 Live Crew, and NWA, to classical music, such as Mozart’s Figaro. However unfair and unconstitutional this censorship is, the fact is that questionable music and lyrics are encouraging impressionable young children to follow their messages. Rappers like DMX or NWA, preaching gang violence often are â€Å"the straw that breaks the camel’s back,†and finally pushes a child looking for guidance into the world of gangs. The truth is that these children need to be protected from the harsh realities of the world surround ing them, but is censoring music the right way to do it? â€Å"No corporation can exist without authority of government. Government shouldn’t allow corporations that infect and contaminate the minds of children to be allowed to exist.†(Dr. C. Delores Tucker before senate subcommittee). This is one solution that seems to make good sense to many to support the censorship of music. Music of artists such as NWA, who urges their listners to say, â€Å"F*ck the Police,†or Eminem, who says he’ll â€Å"Kill You,†surround children, especially in urban areas. This type of music encourages children to get into drugs and gang violence. In the past eight years, the period in which â€Å"gangsta†rap has been heavily promoted, teenage drug use has increased more than four-fold (Dr. C Delores Tucker). The government is the underlying power that allows corporations to send messages like these to children, and the government is the only resource we can use to stop it. â€Å"Young people often look to performin. ..
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