Thursday, January 23, 2020
Personal Autonomy and Individual Moral Growth Essay examples -- Ethics
Personal Autonomy and Individual Moral Growth The term 'autonomy', from the Greek roots 'autos' and 'nomos' [self + law] refers to the right or capacity of individuals to govern themselves. Agents may be said to be autonomous if their actions are truly their own, if they may be said to possess moral liberty. The necessity of this moral liberty is made clear in the work of many philosophers, in that of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, for example, in whose Social Contract are discussed what Rousseau sees as the centrally important relationships between what he terms the general will, liberty, equality and fraternity. From this work also comes that most famous of all revolutionary rallying-cries, Rousseau's memorable and epigrammatic, "Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains". The term is also a cornerstone of Kant's ethical theory, in which the possession of autonomy of the will is a necessary condition of moral agency. For Kant, autonomy functions as the ability to know what morality requires of us, rather than as the freedom to pursue our ends. The possession of autonomy permits an agent to act on objective and universally valid rules of conduct certified by reason alone. In Kantian terminology, this idea is quite separate from 'heteronomy', the term Kant uses to refer to the condition of acting on desires which are not legislated by reason. In Chapter 2 of his Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Ethics [Abbott: p. 46] Kant argues that we should repudiate all maxims that do not accord with the will's own enactment of universal law and "Act only on that maxim whereby thou canst at the same time will that it should become a universal law". For Kant, any account grounded on the view that moral law is commanded from ... ...owledge and with its attendant moral dilemmas, there is a clear need for realism and, since individuals must both act and assume responsibility for their actions, little of value to be gained from, as McNaughton [p.57] puts it, "asserting that where there are many conflicting views there can be no correct answer". For the individual concerned to relate his sense of personal autonomy to a genuine quest for moral truth, the confident belief that, whilst truth may be difficult to discover, it nevertheless exists, remains a vital necessity. Bibliography: Glover, Jonathan Causing Death and Saving Lives Penguin, 1977 Kant, Immanuel Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Ethics trans. T. K. Abbott, Longman, 1962 MacIntyre, Alasdair A Short History of Ethics Routledge, 1993 McNaughton, David Moral Vision: An Introduction to Ethics Blackwell, 1992 Personal Autonomy and Individual Moral Growth Essay examples -- Ethics Personal Autonomy and Individual Moral Growth The term 'autonomy', from the Greek roots 'autos' and 'nomos' [self + law] refers to the right or capacity of individuals to govern themselves. Agents may be said to be autonomous if their actions are truly their own, if they may be said to possess moral liberty. The necessity of this moral liberty is made clear in the work of many philosophers, in that of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, for example, in whose Social Contract are discussed what Rousseau sees as the centrally important relationships between what he terms the general will, liberty, equality and fraternity. From this work also comes that most famous of all revolutionary rallying-cries, Rousseau's memorable and epigrammatic, "Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains". The term is also a cornerstone of Kant's ethical theory, in which the possession of autonomy of the will is a necessary condition of moral agency. For Kant, autonomy functions as the ability to know what morality requires of us, rather than as the freedom to pursue our ends. The possession of autonomy permits an agent to act on objective and universally valid rules of conduct certified by reason alone. In Kantian terminology, this idea is quite separate from 'heteronomy', the term Kant uses to refer to the condition of acting on desires which are not legislated by reason. In Chapter 2 of his Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Ethics [Abbott: p. 46] Kant argues that we should repudiate all maxims that do not accord with the will's own enactment of universal law and "Act only on that maxim whereby thou canst at the same time will that it should become a universal law". For Kant, any account grounded on the view that moral law is commanded from ... ...owledge and with its attendant moral dilemmas, there is a clear need for realism and, since individuals must both act and assume responsibility for their actions, little of value to be gained from, as McNaughton [p.57] puts it, "asserting that where there are many conflicting views there can be no correct answer". For the individual concerned to relate his sense of personal autonomy to a genuine quest for moral truth, the confident belief that, whilst truth may be difficult to discover, it nevertheless exists, remains a vital necessity. Bibliography: Glover, Jonathan Causing Death and Saving Lives Penguin, 1977 Kant, Immanuel Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Ethics trans. T. K. Abbott, Longman, 1962 MacIntyre, Alasdair A Short History of Ethics Routledge, 1993 McNaughton, David Moral Vision: An Introduction to Ethics Blackwell, 1992
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Four Steps for Business Analysis Essay
4. Four steps for business analysis are discussed in the chapter (strategy analysis, accounting analysis, financial analysis, and prospective analysis). As a financial analysts, explain why each of these steps is a critical part of your job and how they relate to one another? Answers: a. Business Strategy Analysis This analysis is help managers to identify key profit driver and strategy risk. Business strategy analysis includes analyzing a firm’s strategy and its strategy in order to create competitive strategy. Most managers set corporate goals and then start to formulate the strategies that help to achieve those goals. However the most critical is how two fundamental problems is the connection in approaching the strategic management. First, most business are engage in concerns and have set in certain activities that are a reflection from decision made in the past. Second, managers are tempted to engage in a strategic of the firm without understanding the health of their existing strategy. This can create a new problem for present strategy. After indicate a strategy process complete, the manager then can assess the quality of the strategy. b. Accounting Analysis The purpose of this analysis is to evaluate accounting quality system in a company by assessing of the stability, viability, and profitability of a business or a project. An accounting analysis carried out by professionals who know how to prepare reports and how to use of info obtained from financial statements and other reports. One of the key areas of accounting analysis is to conclude of company’s past performance into an estimate of future performance. Accounting analysis is includes of calculating ratios from the data to compare with other companies. c. Financial Analysis This analysis is use to calculate the investment value of a business, stock or other asset. There are two important skills need related to financial analysis. First the analysis has to be systematic and efficient. Second, allow the analysis to use financial data to explore company issues. Financial analysis can help an investor to get wealth of information about a company. Knowing relationship between ratios and what the function for future are key to determine future success. Financial statements are essential for business because this can help management to find information and knowledge for investor. d. Prospective Analysis This analysis is focus on forecasting analysis of future financial information of a company and the last step from business analysis. The key areas in this analysis are projecting income statement and projecting the balance sheet. The most important element is the forecasting of the revenue growth. This is based on PEST analysis; industry analysis; company-wide analysis. Forecasting has to be comprehensive including all financial statements. The key should be the key measures such as sales growth, ROE, and earnings. 3 Questions for discussion 1. What is the biggest effect after Dot-Com crash in 2000 for investors? 2. What are the primary factors that led to the burst of the Internet bubble? 3. What is the different between buy side analysts and sell side analysts?
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Kinds of Outline - 1155 Words
1. What is an OUTLINE? An outline is an organizational tool used by writers to gather thoughts so that they can be clearly laid out in an essay or book. Many writers feel that creating an outline is the key to effective writing, and it certainly makes the writing process more efficient and focused. By creating an outline for a piece of writing, the author ensures that all the pieces of the puzzle are presented in a logical, clear order, and that they flow well, drawing the reader to a logical conclusion. An outline can also be used to identify and eliminate potential areas of weakness or lack of focus in a paper. Although an outline is rarely required for a piece of writing, it can be extremely helpful. Papers which are written with the†¦show more content†¦A thesis is stated plainly and early in a nonfiction work, while a theme is an idea or message that you get once you ve read the book and you ve taken some time to reflect on its meaning. The main idea, or thesis, should give your readers a cle ar and specific idea of your topic. The main idea can be thought of as a one or two sentence summary of the whole writing project. 5. What is an Action Research? Action research is known by many other names, including participatory research, collaborative inquiry, emancipatory research, action learning, and contextual action research, but all are variations on a theme. Put simply, action research is â€Å"learning by doing†- a group of people identify a problem, do something to resolve it, see how successful their efforts were, and if not satisfied, try again. While this is the essence of the approach, there are other key attributes of action research that differentiate it from common problem-solving activities that we all engage in every day. A more succinct definition is that an action research aims to contribute both to the practical concerns of people in an immediate problematic situation and to further the goals of social science simultaneously. Thus, there is a dual commitment in action research to study a system and concurrently toShow MoreRelatedSpeech Communication Learning Objectives1578 Wor ds  | 7 Pagesintroduction. Chapter 10: 1. Outlines are essential to effective speeches. By outlining, we make sure that related ideas are together, that our thoughts flow from one to another, and that the structure of our speech is coherent. WE will probably use two kinds of outlines for our speechesÂâ€"the detailed preparation outline and the brief speaking outline. 2. The differences between a preparation outline and a speaking outline. preparation outline A detailed outline developed during the processRead MorePurdue Owl Essay Writing1163 Words  | 5 PagesContributors:Elyssa Tardiff, Allen Brizee. 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