Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Why is writing for radio and television different from writing for a newspaper or magazine Essay Example
Why is writing for radio and television different from writing for a newspaper or magazine? Essay Different set of rules apply to the art of writing depending on the medium of publication/broadcast. Even within a particular medium, writing can be divided into creative writing and reportage/opinion, with the latter usually based on facts. Various genres exist within conventional creative writing – prominent among them are novels, short stories, poetry and plays. Hence, both the medium and the genre combine to lay a set of guidelines for the writer. The rest of the essay will outline those guidelines and also provide examples. With the advent of long distance telecommunication technology during the early twentieth century, radio took off as the most sought after public broadcast medium. Writing for radio then became a specialized field for there are unique qualities associated with a purely aural mode of communication. This posed challenges as well as opportunities to writers and broadcasters. Those pioneers who conquered this new horizon in writing established a genre that was both refreshing and demanding. For example, listening to a play in the radio is quite different to watching it onstage. The playwright will have to supplement through audio the events on stage that are not accounted in words. In other words, special audio effects to reflect transpirations on stage became important. Hence, writers had to pay more attention to detail and try to incorporate various kinds of information into the aural form. What radio writers also did was to improve the attention span and concentration of the au dience, for the narrative tends to be information packed and tightly plotted to maximize content output. We will write a custom essay sample on Why is writing for radio and television different from writing for a newspaper or magazine? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Why is writing for radio and television different from writing for a newspaper or magazine? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Why is writing for radio and television different from writing for a newspaper or magazine? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Coming to creative writing for television, the rules are not as rigorous as that applicable to radio writing, for the genre draws many of its rules from motion pictures. This is especially true with respect to soap operas, sitcoms and other televised entertainment. The British Broadcasting Corporation, which has mastered both radio and TV drama over the years, has the following to say about good TV drama writing: â€Å"TV is easy to turn off or turn over, so open your story as dynamically as you can. Try to hook the interest of the audience as soon as possible so that they will want to stay tuned and, if there are more episodes to come, will want to keep tuning in. Ask yourself if there’s a strong enough sense of character, drama, and story to sustain an audience’s engagement.†(, 2012) But, when it comes to news coverage in television, the main focus tends to be the headlines, with sound bites and video footage complementing the scrolling text. Television talk shows, on the other hand, have now become a time-tested concept that can succeed with even basic recording technology. We’ll now see how writing for radio and television is different to writing for newspaper and magazines. The printed word has always proven to be more powerful in expressing complex thought or argument. Hence, the media of magazines and newspapers are more apt for carrying out in-depth analysis of public issues. Writing for the print media also requires a greater command over vocabulary, grammar and usage. Hence, writing for publications is far more challenging and exacting than writing for television or radio. It is only those intellectuals who can perform incisive analyses that make it to editorial pages of major newspapers. Reporting for print media, on the other hand, is usually about following a set format or template, which doesn’t require high analytic skills. The following tips will come handy to the news or opinion writer: â€Å"The opening line of the article must grab the reader’s attention straight away. This is no different to any other form of writing: a story must hook the reader in a very short space of time†¦this hook must be the first sentence, not the second or the third†¦Another crucial point here is the length of the opening sentence. The word count needs to be no more than twenty-two words for your grab line. This in itself is a challenge.†(Shaw, 2007) Moreover, writers should keep in mind that congested printing styles, where the paragraphs are large and run on with long sentences, tends to put off the reader. Hence, maximizing ‘white space’ within the article will make it more appealing to read. In conclusion, writing for any medium of communication brings with it a unique set of challenges and requirements. But by mastering these requisites the writer can produce a work of high quality. A brief look at the history of twentieth century writing reveals how many outstanding pieces of articles, plays and TV shows have been produced. These masterpieces have excelled in the art and craft of writing. Works Cited: Writing TV Drama: Scripwriting Tips, It is important to know your market, retrieved from on 19th July, 2012 Janet Shaw, June 12, 2007, Writing Articles for Newspapers and Magazines – Tips and Tricks, retrieved from on 18th July, 2012. Harvard College Writing Program, Harvard Writing Project, retrieved from on 19th July, 2012.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Writing a Sample ASU MBA Essay
Writing a Sample ASU MBA EssayA sample ASU MBA essay is a good way to ensure that you know how to write a quality academic paper. Your essay is likely to be the deciding factor for the acceptance of your application, so you will want to know how to write an impressive first draft. You can get a great outline and template to help you write a great ASU MBA thesis.The best way to begin writing a sample ASU MBA essay is to simply write down your goals. In order to really impress the admissions committee, you will need to show that you have already completed your goals. The best way to do this is to break down your plan of action and give some examples of your accomplishments. In addition, write down the things that you have tried to do but were unsuccessful in doing.One of the most important elements of a sample ASU MBA essay is to present your character, so begin by describing who you are as a person. Discuss why you want to attend ASU and what you hope to gain from your education. Be h onest, but without embellishing and be sure to include your own personality traits.Once you have explained who you are, the next step is to present your values, and this is what a sample ASU MBA essay is all about. Do not write about a particular school, because this can lead to a generalization, but rather, tell a story of your experiences and achievements. Explain how you relate to the community you are attending, and how this relates to your goals and values.Write about the situations in which you had a successful setting and those in which you had a less than successful setting. Give a little insight into your educational background, and try to come up with some humor. If possible, include a personal anecdote or quote that will relate to your points.One thing that is also very important in a sample ASU MBA essay is to make sure that you have a clear argument for each point that you are making. Although it is likely that the faculty will support your perspective, do not feel that you have to put forth your personal opinion on every issue. Speak from facts and organize your arguments so that they make sense.If you are having trouble coming up with ideas for a sample ASU MBA essay, you should consider turning to other people for help. Many students read these types of essays to help them determine how to present their thoughts in a more professional manner. This is one way to ensure that you have not left anything out, and will be even more useful to a committee that has already accepted you.Writing a sample ASU MBA essay is not something that can be done overnight. However, as long as you take the time to write an impressive piece of writing, it will pay off in the end. Once you have read several samples, you will have a much better idea of how to write a quality essay and will be prepared for your ASU MBA admissions interview.
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